猪股 伸幸
イノマタ ノブユキ
主要研究業績 - 2022年度
Yamahira, K., Mokodongan, D.F., Konishi, M., Mandagi, I.F., Masengi, K.W.A., Lawelle, S.A., Kusumi, J., Inomata, N. (2023)
Discovery of a genetically distinct lineage in medaka species within Lake Towuti in central Sulawesi. Ichthyol Res 70: 185-189.
Inomata, N., Miyazaki, M., Noguchi, M., Itoh, M.(2022)
A comparative study of natural variation in hemolymph glucose levels under different dietary sugar conditions in Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans Genes & Genetic Systems. 97: 221-227
Nofrianto, A.B., Lawelle, S.A., Mokodongan, D.F., Masengi, K.W.A., Inomata, N., Hashiguchi, Y., Kitano, J., Sumarto, B.K.A., Kakioka, R., Yamahira, K.(2022)
Ancient Admixture in Freshwater Halfbeaks of the Genus Nomorhamphus in Southeast Sulawesi. Zool. Sci. 39: 1-6.